Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Posted by Roberta On 7:57 AM
Today I am reflecting on how the Uranus/Pluto square energies are facilitating the digging up and then breaking up of the old.  It feels like a true alchemical experience on many different levels.

This year I especially want to regard appreciation and gratitude as a part of the daily "Rituals of Creativity". I know from experience that it is how we perceive and where our focus lies that will be where the energies one has to work with develop in to something manifest.  Something of beauty!

Therefore I want to do more of what makes my light shine so that others will be inspired to get creative.

It does not mean everyone needs to paint …. Creativity is within us and how we approach life will determine our joy.  Be creative in everything you do. Look at all sides and take the common ground.

Anything that we choose to be angry about will just about kill creativity.  I quit watching the so called news.  They are determined to stir up anger and separatism.

One can still see at a glance online what the world is facing.  For me choosing creativity is how I can make a difference.  It is a time of innovation and change and fighting only creates crystallization.  So as I shared my 2014 motto…"Be rebelliously creative!"  And be in JOY… CHEERS


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