10 Reasons Why Creativity is Important
We teach a course on creativity because we believe it's important in living a full life. Here are our top 10 reasons:
1. Creativity comes from within and it is our impulse to express ourselves.
2. Creativity is that state of state of livingness that compels us to be self-expressive. Everyone is creative you are the creator of your life.
3. Creativity without fear and criticism will take you from the ordinary and predictable and shift your consciousness into new experiences. Creating something new!
4. Creativity is a form of meditation and when we are in our creative, authentic selves we are calmer and more aware or ourselves and others.
5. By re-connecting to your creativity, you will have a more joy filled life with celebration and gratitude of the smallest things.
6. Being creative actually gives you a better perspective on how you can discover what you are truly passionate about. Creativity helps you to discover your passion, express it and create what you most want from life.
7. To be creative is to face fear and turn it around so that we become more confident in our expression and can be the initiators of the things we wish to do and be.
8. When we make a commitment to expressing our creativity, there is a positive ripple effect throughout our lives.
9. Rituals are the discipline the creative person needs to self inspire and stay creative.
10. Creativity gives a person a sense of purpose and the courage to experiment, experience and express.
Our Rituals Of Creativity online class begins May 4, 2015. You can register online